BUKS workshops are organised since 2009 when research groups from Belgium, UK, and Spain (hence BUKS) took the initiative to have a series of open and informal topical meetings to bring together researchers with interests on theoretical, observational and numerical aspects of MHD waves and seismology of the solar atmosphere. These groups were:
Past editions were held in Leuven (BUKS2009, BUKS2016), St. Andrews (BUKS2010), Palma de Mallorca (BUKS2011), Crete (BUKS2012) and Budapest (BUKS2015).
BUKS2018 Workshop on "Waves and Instabilities in the Solar Atmosphere: Confronting the Current State-of-the Art" will take place in La Laguna, Tenerife (Spain) from 3 to 7 September 2018, organised by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC).
The aim is to create a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas on recent results regarding observations, data analysis and theoretical/numerical modelling of waves, oscillations, associated instabilities and seismology of the solar atmosphere. Emphasis is given to the exploitation of present and future facilities, instruments and observational bands; the development and application of modern data analysis methods; and confrontation with state of the art modelling.
A few review talks will introduce the relevant topics, highlighting recent progress and unresolved questions. Recent results will be covered by contributed talks and posters. Ample time will be available for discussions.
All researchers active in the field are welcome to attend. Graduate students and early-career postdocs are particularly encouraged to participate and present their research work.