PS-2020-036 Un contrato postdoctoral WHOLE SUN/One Postdoctoral contract WHOLE SUN

Application deadline
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Position code
Job vacancies
Professional category

The IAC (Tenerife) invites applications for a postdoctoral contract to work in the project The Whole Sun: Untangling the complex physical mechanisms behind our eruptive star and its twins, funded through a Synergy Grant awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) to a Consortium of five institutions that include the IAC. The IAC is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence with research topics ranging from solar physics, planetary systems, stellar and interstellar physics, galaxy formation and evolution, to cosmology and astroparticles. The appointed candidates will benefit from the research environment at the IAC, which hosts one of the largest and most active Solar Physics groups in Europe. The group covers theory, numerical modelling, observations and instrumental development, and is involved in the development of the EST (European Solar Telescope). The appointees will participate in the collaborative work with other institutions of the Whole Sun project consortium.

Required expertise: The selected candidate must have expertise and plan to pursue research in at least one of the following fields:

  • Theoretical or numerical modeling of dynamical and radiative processes in the solar atmosphere
  • Use of, and/or software development for, state-of-the-art multidimensional numerical codes to model physical processes in the Sun
  • Comparison of numerical models with observations.

Particular attention will be given to candidates with experience in any of the following fields: physics of jets (like coronal or chromospheric jets, surges, spicules) and eruptions in the Sun; magnetic flux emergence in the interior and atmosphere; reconnection and magnetic topology problems; generalized Ohm’s law and multi-fluid physics. Both realistic (concerning atomic physics, radiation transfer, multifluid physics, etc) and idealized (MHD) models are of interest for this position.

Duties: The selected candidate will have the following roles:

  • Active involvement in the research activities of the IAC’s Whole Sun team, including participation in the project’s global meetings as well as those of the work packages in which the IAC participates
  • Active participation in the networking associated with the Synergy Grant including scientific collaboration with members of other teams.
  • Contribution to the development of modules for numerical codes in use or under development in the project.
  • (Co-)advisor of at least one of the PhD theses to be carried out at the IAC on the research topics of the project
  • Co-organizer of the planned meetings of the Whole Sun project in Tenerife.
  • Contribution to the public outreach activities of the Whole Sun project
  • Maintenance of the contents of the IAC’s web page devoted to the IAC’s participation in the Whole Sun project.

Requirements: The candidates must have an excellent research record, commensurate with the duration of their research career. They must be in possession of a Ph.D. degree in Astrophysics or Physics by the application deadline. Other than that, no limits are imposed on the time elapsed since gaining the doctorate. The IAC is an equal-opportunity employer. We encourage, in particular, applications by women and by members of minorities.

Duration: The appointment is guaranteed until April 30th, 2025 (current end date of the Whole Sun project). It will be extended following any extensions of the project granted by the ERC, up to a maximum total duration of 5 years. The starting date can be any time after the official granting of the position, and preferably not later than the first quarter of 2021.

Selection process: The selection process consists of two phases: merit assessment and interview.

1.- First phase: merit assessment. The selection panel will verify and rate the merits documented by the applicants. The maximum score that can be awarded in this phase is 80 points, calculated as the sum of the scores obtained in each of the following two sections.

a) CV (maximum score 60 points). Main criteria will be:

  • Scientific and technical contributions to the field of research, especially those listed in the Science Citation Index, in relation to the duration of the candidate’s scientific career. Of special importance are the first-authored papers by the candidate.
  • Appointments and stays (at the PhD or postdoctoral level) in prestigious research institutions.
  • Conference contributions, especially those leading to publications.
  • Other indicators of research activity and motivation (like: invitations to lectures, organization of meetings, teaching at University level)

Note: when considering the candidate’s CV, any periods of inactivity for medical reasons, maternity/paternity leaves, elderly care, or due to training or professional experience in other fields will be taken into account.

b) Adequacy to the objectives of the contract (maximum score 20 points)

  • Adequacy of the candidate’s training and experience to this contract. In particular: experience in any of the research topics mentioned under ‘tasks’ above.

2.- Second phase: interview (maximum score 20 points)

  • Candidates who have obtained at least 50 points in the first phase will be invited to an interview. The interview can be in English or Spanish (as chosen by the candidate) and take place either in person at the IAC headquarters or using internet communication software (Zoom or Skype) that allows voice and image transmission.
  • During the interview, the candidate will present, for a maximum of 10 minutes, his/her vision about the suitability of his/her professional profile to the position and the planned research activity if awarded the contract. The presentation may be followed by questions by the Selection Committee.

Of the maximum 20 points to be awarded:

  • up to 10 points correspond to the suitability of the candidate’s profile to the position
  • up to 10 points correspond to the candidate's vision for their future research activity.

To pass the second phase a minimum score of 15 points will be necessary.

To pass the selection process, a minimum of 65 points must be reached. If there is a draw in the score of two or more candidates, priorities will be set according to the Equality Plan of the IAC.

Training: Candidates who obtained their doctorate at the IAC must provide accreditation of a period of complementary training at other research centres. The required period is a full continuous year or 18 accumulated months (including periods of training during doctoral studies).

Remuneration: The gross annual salary will be 43,374 Euros, with deductions of up to 20% for income tax (IRPF) and social security (dependent on the candidate's personal situation). The contract provides social security cover for spouse or de facto partner and children.

Extra financial support to start the contract: The present job offer includes financial support for the selected candidate at the time of starting the appointment. The support covers the following items: air ticket (arranged by the IAC), stay at a hotel for a maximum of two weeks (reservation made by the IAC), and a per diem, also for a maximum of two weeks. This financial support cannot exceed 2,500 Euros.

Applicants from outside the EU: Successful applicants who are not citizens of a member country of the European Union must keep in mind that, prior to signing the contract, they must obtain a residence and work permit (NIE card) from the Spanish immigration authorities.

Presentation of applications: Applications must be sent electronically via the web-based application system before the deadline set out in this advertisement. Alternatively, you may follow the instructions given in the corresponding official advertisement on our website.

The following documentation must be sent in a single PDF file:

  • Application form (Annex I), duly filled and signed, including the name and code of the job offer.
  • Copy of passport or national identity card (with the same number indicated in Annex I).
  • CV, containing a list of publications
  • Report on research activity and justification of suitability for the job (not exceeding 2 pages)
  • Copy of the Doctoral degree or certified proof of being in possession of a doctorate (in Spanish or English)

You should also include the names and email addresses of three scientists familiar with your work.

Applications that do not include the application form of Annex I with all the data required in it will not be considered. If any of the other required documents are omitted, they will have to be submitted within a period of five working days after publication of the provisional list of admitted and excluded candidates.

Application deadline: October 15, 2020

Contact: For further information about the scientific aspects of this opening, please contact the head of the project at the IAC, Prof. F. Moreno-Insertis (fmi [at] (fmi at

Selection tribunal