
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Common envelope evolution and Li in V471 Tauri.
    We have observed the spectral regions around the LiI resonance 670.8nm and subordinate 610.4nm lines of V471 Tau. This is an eclipsing post common-envelope (CE) binary system. A revision of several independent measurements of the parallax and proper motion of V471 Tau allow us to argue that this system is indeed a Hyades cluster member by examining
    Martin, E. L. et al.

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  • Comparative Kinematics of Gas and Stars in Disk Galaxies
    This thesis presents observational kinematic results for a significant sample of disk galaxies. Spectra of both the gaseous and stellar components are available for almost the whole sample. The first aim was to make a comparative study of the gas and the stellar kinematics to see whether there was any correlation between the kinematic behavior and
    Vega Beltran, J. C.

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  • Comparison of Magnetic Field Structures on Different Scales in and around the Filamentary Dark Cloud GF 9
    New visible polarization data combined with existing IR and FIR polarization data are used to study how the magnetic field threading the filamentary molecular cloud GF 9 connects to larger structures in its general environment. When visible and NIR polarization data are combined, no evidence is found for a plateau in the polarization above
    Poidevin, F. et al.

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  • Comparison of Solar Fine Structure Observed Simultaneously in Lyα and Mg ii h
    The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha Spectropolarimeter (CLASP) observed the Sun in H i Lyα during a suborbital rocket flight on 2015 September 3. The Interface Region Imaging Telescope (IRIS) coordinated with the CLASP observations and recorded nearly simultaneous and co-spatial observations in the Mg ii h and k lines. The Mg ii h and Lyα lines are
    Schmit, D. et al.

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  • Comparison of star formation rates from Hα and infrared luminosity as seen by Herschel
    We empirically MD test the relation between the SFR(LIR) derived from the infrared luminosity, LIR, and the SFR(Hα) derived from the Hα emission line luminosity using simple conversion relations. We use a sample of 474 galaxies at z = 0.06-0.46 with both Hα detection [from 20k redshift Cosmological Evolution (zCOSMOS) survey] and new far-IR
    Domínguez-Sánchez, H. et al.

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