Precision cosmology with the Cosmic Microwave Background: QUIJOTE and other microwave experiments at the Teide Observatory, and


The main goals of this project are to cover, during the period 2020-2022, the scientific exploitation of the cosmic microwave background(CMB) experiments in which the IAC cosmology group is involved (QUIJOTE, TMS, KISS, GroundBIRD and LSPE-STRIP), and contribute to the preparation for the scientific exploitation of the future LiteBIRD mission, to be launched in 2029.

More specifically, these goals are:

1) Operation and scientific exploitation of QUIJOTE and TMS experiments, both led by IAC. QUIJOTE consists of two telescopes (QT1 and QT2) and three instruments (MFI, TGI and FGI). The MFI (2012-2018) has already produced scientific results, including four maps of the full northern sky at 11, 13, 17 and 19 GHz, and will soon be replaced by MFI2, an improved version with higher sensitivity (2021-). The TGI (30GHz) and the FGI (40GHz) are built, have already undergone commissioning campaigns in 2018, and will re-start observations during 2021. In addition, we are building the Tenerife Microwave Spectrometer (TMS), an absolute spectrometer in the 10-20 GHz band that will complement QUIJOTE and expand its science goals. TMS will be commissioned in 2022. Both MFI2 and TMS are fully funded.

2) Scientific exploitation of other CMB experiments at the Teide Observatory (OT): KISS, GroundBIRD and LSPE-STRIP. These experiments are a perfect complement to QUIJOTE, expanding its frequency coverage up to 250 GHz, and will help to consolidate the Teide Observatory as a reference CMB observatory. Joint analyses of the QUIJOTE, GroundBIRD and LSPE-STRIP data, and combination with PLANCK and WMAP.

3) Participation in the LiteBIRD mission. Assessment of the synchrotron contamination and its impact on B-mode science using QUIJOTE and LSPE-STRIP. Definition of the Litebird calibration strategy, and participation on ground-based observations to improve the modelling of possible Litebird calibrators. Participation in aspects related with the instrument characterisation.

4) Science with Galaxy Clusters. Finalise the scientific exploitation of the optical follow-up efforts (ITP2013-15, LP2015-17, IP: J.A. Rubiño- Martín) to characterise the two Planck Sunyaev Zeldovich catalogues (PSZ1 and PSZ2). Detailed characterisation of the SZ to optical mass scaling relation, and cosmological constraints on parameters such as the equation of state of dark energy and neutrino masses. Scientific exploitation of the WEAVE Cosmology Cluster Survey. Participation in the NIKA2 SZ Large Survey. Preparation for EUCLID Cluster Science.

5) Participation in the processing and scientific exploitation of the ESPRESSO GTO data in specific absorbing systems in the line of sight of bright QSOs. Characterise and study specific spectral lines that will allow to derive constraints on fundamental cosmological constants at high redshift (CMB temperature, the fine-structure constant and the proton-electron mass ratio).

6) Design the next-generation instrumentation for CMB studies from the OT in the next ten years, consolidating the already-existing international collaborations, and following the plan described in the "Estudio de Prospectiva de la RIA" in cosmology. Continue our participation in E-CMB, a discussion panel where we are preparing a roadmap for a coordinated European CMB programme.

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MICIU_Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades