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  • Image Search Visualization in a Planetary VO
    A multi-mission image search tool has been created through a collaboration between Google and NASA Ames Research Center, using Google Earth as a virtual observatory (VO) for accessing search results. Follow-on work will expand the utilization of the VO and refine the features based on user research.
    Trimble, J. et al.

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  • Imaging the cool stars in the interacting binaries AE Aqr, BV Cen and V426 Oph
    It is well known that magnetic activity in late-type stars increases with increasing rotation rate. Using inversion techniques akin to medical imaging, the rotationally broadened profiles from such stars can be used to reconstruct `Doppler images' of the distribution of cool, dark starspots on their stellar surfaces. Interacting binaries, however
    Watson, C. A. et al.

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  • Imaging the elusive H-poor gas in planetary nebulae with large abundance discrepancy factors
    The discrepancy between abundances computed using optical recombination lines (ORLs) and collisionally excited lines (CELs) is a major, unresolved problem with significant implications for the determination of chemical abundances throughout the Universe. In planetary nebulae (PNe), the most common explanation for the discrepancy is that two
    García-Rojas, J. et al.

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  • Implications of Burst Oscillations from the Slowly Rotating Accreting Pulsar IGR J17480-2446 in the Globular Cluster Terzan 5
    The recently discovered accreting X-ray pulsar IGR J17480-2446 spins at a frequency of ~11 Hz. We show that Type I X-ray bursts from this source display oscillations at the same frequency as the stellar spin. IGR J17480-2446 is the first secure case of a slowly rotating neutron star (NS) which shows Type I burst oscillations (BOs), all other
    Cavecchi, Y. et al.

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  • Improved Methods for Spitzer Systematic Identification and Removal
    After the discovery of Proxima Centauri b in 2016, we observed the system with the Spitzer Space Telescope to look for transits. We confirmed that the planet does not transit. However, we observed three asymmetric, periodic, comet-like events. Unfortunately, we now understand these events to be systematic effects due to telescope vibration, which
    Challener, Ryan C. et al.

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  • In situ calibration using satellite data results
    The main goal of this work is the analysis of new approaches in order to study the properties of astronomical sites. The objective is to calibrate the atmospheric extinction provided by in situ techniques through remote sensing data retrieved from satellite-platforms. We have selected data provided by different spectrographs on board NASA and ESA
    Varela, A. M. et al.

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