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  • Pre-perihelion monitoring of interstellar comet 2I/Borisov
    The discovery of interstellar comet 2I/Borisov offered the unique opportunity to obtain a detailed analysis of an object coming from another planetary system, and leaving behind material in our interplanetary space. We continuously observed 2I/Borisov between 2019 October 3 and December 13 using the 1.52-m Telescopio Carlos Sánchez equipped with
    Prodan, George P. et al.

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  • Quasar Microlensing Statistics and Flux-ratio Anomalies in Lens Models
    Precise lens modeling is a critical step in time delay studies of multiply imaged quasars, which are key for measuring some important cosmological parameters (especially H 0). However, lens models (in particular those semi-automatically generated) often show discrepancies with the observed flux ratios between the different quasar images. These flux
    Mediavilla, E. et al.

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  • The Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program: Cosmological Biases from Host Galaxy Mismatch of Type Ia Supernovae
    Redshift measurements, primarily obtained from host galaxies, are essential for inferring cosmological parameters from type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Matching SNe to host galaxies using images is nontrivial, resulting in a subset of SNe with mismatched hosts and thus incorrect redshifts. We evaluate the host galaxy mismatch rate and resulting biases
    Qu, H. et al.

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  • Evaluation of the thermo-elastic response of space telescopes using uncertainty assessment
    The aerospace sector is evolving due to reduced launch costs and standardization of small satellite platforms. This research, aligned with European Guidelines for Thermo-Elastic Verification, addresses the pointing precision gap in small satellites by assessing space telescope performance using uncertainty propagation in thermo-elastic models. The
    Garcia-Luis, Uxia et al.

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  • A comparative study of resistivity models for simulations of magnetic reconnection in the solar atmosphere. II. Plasmoid formation
    Context. Plasmoid-mediated reconnection plays a fundamental role in different solar atmospheric phenomena. Numerical reproduction of this process is therefore essential for developing robust solar models. Aims: Our goal is to assess plasmoid-mediated reconnection across various numerical resistivity models in order to investigate how plasmoid
    Færder, Ø. H. et al.

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  • Accretion-induced flickering variability among symbiotic stars from space photometry with NASA TESS
    Context. Symbiotic binaries exhibit a wide range of photometric variability across different timescales. These changes can be attributed to factors such as orbital motion, intrinsic variability of the individual components, or interactions between the two stars. In the range from minutes to hours, a variability induced by accretion processes that
    Merc, J. et al.

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