"The history of astronomy is a history of receding horizons"

- Edwin Hubble –

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  • Image of Deimos with Mars on the background, obtained with the HyperScout-H instrument on board the Hera spacecraft
    Hera mission flies by Mars on its way to Didymos and captures unique images of its moons
  • Artist's impression of GJ 3998 d, a super-Earth in the habitable zone of its star
    IAC discovers a super-Earth in the habitable zone of a nearby red dwarf
  • 8M "Las mujeres sostienen la mitad del cielo"
    The IAC strengthens its commitment to Equality
  • Liverpool Telescope
    Research on exoplanets and the Solar System comes to the classroom with the IAC's PETeR project
  • (From left to right) The president of the Cabildo de La Palma, Sergio Rodríguez; the director of the IAC, Valentín Martínez Pillet; and the executive director of the La Palma Biosphere Reserve, Alfonso Montes de Oca, during the signing of the protocol
    The IAC and the Canary, La Palma Reserve of the Biosphere Foundation unite efforts in the fight against exotic invading species
  • Two-meter Twin Telescope (TTT) operado por Light Bridges en el Observatorio del Teide (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias). / J.C. Casado
    The TTT3 telescope at the Teide Observatory sees its first light


  • Upcoming
    MUNICHFEST 2025: Celebrating 40 years of research on hot luminous stars
  • Upcoming
    GaiaAlerts2025: The 16th Gaia Science Alerts and ACME Time-Domain Workshop


  • Ingeniero/a Mecánico- PS-2025-008
    Se convoca proceso selectivo para la contratación temporal de un/a Ingeniero/a Mecánico/a, para sustituir a personas trabajadoras con derecho a reserva del puesto de trabajo y que tendrá, entre otras
  • Ingeniero/a Software_LEO_QKD- PS-2024-096
    Se convoca proceso selectivo para la contratación de un/a Ingeniero/a , fuera de Convenio, en la modalidad de contrato laboral de actividades científico-técnicas de duración indefinida y que tendrá