
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

  • Image of the public version of the 3D radiative transfer code PORTA
    The POLMAG research team of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), which includes scientists from other international institutions, has released the public version of PORTA, an advanced radiative transfer code to solve the problem of the generation and transfer of polarized radiation in realistic three-dimensional (3D) models of stellar atmospheres. PORTA allows scientists to plan and model spectropolarimetric observations with today’s telescopes. This public version of PORTA offered to the astrophysical community comes with several modules useful for considering several problems of
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  • Image of the campaign "#IACUniversoEnCasa" (IAC Universe at Home)
    Confronted by the health emergency generated by COVID-19, the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) wants to help by letting the citizen’s responsibility implied by staying at home be an opportunity to bring everyone closer to astronomy and knowledge of the universe, as well as continuing to offer training and support to the educational community, which is carrying on with its work by Internet. With this objective, we at the Press and Outreach Unit (UC3) have set in motion a plan of activities with the name "#IACUniversoEnCasa" (IAC Universe at Home) about which we will be issuing
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  • Noche estrellada sobre el Ródano
    Ciencia y arte son los dos grandes generadores de saber, los mayores transformadores de la sociedad y sus individuos. Mientras el arte intuye el desorden del mundo, la ciencia ordena y reordena. El amor entre ambas disciplinas ha existido hasta hace pocos siglos.La revolución industrial y la obcecada especialización del conocimiento hizo que ambos mundos llegaran a malinterpretarse e, incluso, despreciarse mutuamente. Los científicos deniegan el arte como fuente de conocimiento y los artistas consideran a la ciencia impersonal e inadecuada. Sin embargo, ciencia y arte no se encuentran tan
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  • Project video cover
    The IAC presents a public outreach video about the project “Polarized Radiation Diagnostics for Exploring the Magnetism of the Outer Solar Atmosphere” (POLMAG). In this video, several POLMAG scientists explain the basic aspects of the project. The POLMAG research group was created in January 2018 within the framework of the Advanced Grant awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) to Javier Trujillo Bueno (CSIC Research Professor and IAC Senior Scientist). POLMAG aims at novel advances in the development and application of polarized radiation diagnostic methods for exploring the magnetic
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  • Jocelyn Bell Burnell next to the radiotelescope she built. Cortesy of Martin Burnell
    When Jocelyn Bell Burnell failed an important exam at the age of 10 she did not expect to become one of the most relevant figures in astronomy. Nor when she began work on her doctoral thesis did she expect to discover an unknown type of star. The story of Jocelyn Bell is one of serendipity, perseverance, the “impostor syndrome” and “little green men”. In honour of her career she will have her own star in the Passage of Science in La Palma. So she will receive the homage which the Island pays to notable scientific figures, such as Stephen Hawking, Alekséi Leonov, Takaaki Kajita, and Samuel
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  • Lucía González Cuesta, Susana Delgado Marante, Julia de León Cruz and Mary Barreto Cabrera
    To celebrate March 8th, International Women’s Day, a new chapter of the audiovisual series “Girls who broke a glass ceiling looking at the sky” is being premiered. This project was started in 2017 as part of the initiative “The Return of Henrietta Leavitt, from school to a research career, via the Theatre” by the IAC in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Its objective is to show to the general public the work of women in science, encouraging young girls to opt for careers in science. Previously the series
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