"The history of astronomy is a history of receding horizons"

- Edwin Hubble –

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  • El astrofísico y divulgador Ethan Siegel junto al director del IAC, Valentín Martínez Pillet
    El astrofísico Ethan Siegel resalta la calidad del cielo de Canarias
  • El cartel utilizado para la Hora del Planeta 2025
    The IAC joins the Earth Hour in defence of the environment
  • Image of an area of the Euclid Deep Field South showing several huge galactic clusters, as well as intracluster light and gravitational lensing.
    The IAC contributes to more accurate mapping of the Universe through Euclid data
  • Cartel donde se ve un reloj de arena con una luna y un sol junto a una paloma de la paz
    On March 20 we celebrate Equal Day to promote peace through Astronomy
  • Federico de La Paz (OTPC) durante la jornada 'Contaminación lumínica y biodiversidad’
    El IAC colabora en el proyecto LIFE Natura@Night que promueve la lucha contra la contaminación lumínica
  • Image of Deimos with Mars on the background, obtained with the HyperScout-H instrument on board the Hera spacecraft
    Hera mission flies by Mars on its way to Didymos and captures unique images of its moons


  • Upcoming
    GaiaAlerts2025: The 16th Gaia Science Alerts and ACME Time-Domain Workshop
  • Upcoming
    MUNICHFEST 2025: Celebrating 40 years of research on hot luminous stars


  • Ingeniero/a_CSOA_IACTEC- PS-2025-002
    Se convoca proceso selectivo para la contratación de un/a Ingeniero/a, fuera de Convenio, en la modalidad de contrato laboral de actividades científico-técnicas de duración indefinida y que tendrá
  • One Postdoctoral Contract PROTOCLUSTERS 2025 (PS-2025-012)
    The IAC (Tenerife) announces ONE postdoctoral contract to work on the project linked to the line of research “Molecular gas and dust galaxies across cosmic time”. The contract is funded by the project