Martínez-País, I. G.; Arévalo, M. J.; Lázaro, C.
Referencia bibliográfica
New Astronomy, Volume 13, Issue 5, p. 304-313.
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We present the first light curves in the infrared J, H and K filters of
HY Vir. Based on HY Vir and template stars spectra in the region 8440
8870 Å, we classify as F0 both stellar components of the binary.
Also, we obtain the first radial velocity curves of the system. The
analysis of the JHK light curves is carried out using a code based in
ATLAS model atmospheres and Roche geometry. From the spectroscopic and
photometric data, absolute orbital and stellar parameters are derived
that allow to classify HY Vir as a well detached binary with similar
components. The comparison of the stellar components parameters with
evolutionary models show that both components are well reproduced by an
isochrone of age t ≃ 1.2 × 109 years, indicating
that HY Vir is a relatively young binary. From published visual and our
own infrared photometry we find not evidence of any significant infrared
excess in the system. The estimated distance is d = 185 ± 15 pc,
and we derive an interstellar reddening E(B - V) ≃ 0.04.
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