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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The Microlensing Event Rate and Optical Depth from MOA-II 9 Yr Survey Toward the Galactic Bulge
    We present measurements of the microlensing optical depth and event rate toward the Galactic bulge using the data set from the 2006 to 2014 MOA-II survey, which covers 22 bulge fields spanning ∼42 deg 2 between ‑5° < l < 10° and ‑7° < b < ‑1°. In the central region with ∣l∣ < 5°, we estimate an optical depth of and an event rate of Γ = [16.08 ± 0
    Nunota, Kansuke et al.

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  • The kinematics of massive high-redshift dusty star-forming galaxies
    We present a new method for modelling the kinematics of galaxies from interferometric observations by performing the optimization of the kinematic model parameters directly in visibility space instead of the conventional approach of fitting velocity fields produced with the CLEAN algorithm in real-space. We demonstrate our method on Atacama Large
    Amvrosiadis, A. et al.

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  • The Fate of the Interstellar Medium in Early-type Galaxies. V. Active Galactic Nucleus Feedback from Optical Spectral Classification
    Quenching of star formation plays a fundamental role in galaxy evolution. This process occurs due to the removal of the cold interstellar medium (ISM) or stabilization against collapse, so that gas cannot be used in the formation of new stars. In this paper, we study the effect of different mechanisms of ISM removal. In particular, we revised the
    Ryzhov, Oleh et al.

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  • The coupled tearing-thermal instability in coronal current sheets from the linear to the non-linear stage
    In the solar corona, magnetically sheared structures are unstable to both tearing and thermal instabilities in a coupled fashion. However, how the choice of linear perturbation modes influences the time-scale to achieve the thermal runaway in a coupled tearing-thermal coronal current sheet is not well understood to date. Here, we model a force-free
    De Jonghe, Jordi et al.

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  • The baryonic mass estimates of the Milky Way halo in the form of high-velocity clouds
    The halo of our Galaxy is populated with a significant number of high-velocity clouds (HVCs) moving with a speed up to 500 km/s. It is suggested that these HVCs might contain a non-negligible fraction of the missing baryons. The main aim of the current paper is to estimate the baryonic mass of the Milky Way halo in the form of HVCs in order to
    Tahir, Noraiz et al.

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  • Spider-Webb: JWST Near Infrared Camera resolved galaxy star formation and nuclear activities in the Spiderweb protocluster at z = 2.16
    Near-infrared (NIR) emission is less affected by dust than ultraviolet and optical emission and is therefore useful for studying the properties of dust-obscured galaxies. Although rest-frame NIR observations of high-redshift galaxies have long been made using space telescopes, their structures were unresolved due to the lack of angular resolution
    Shimakawa, Rhythm et al.

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