Carrasco-González, Carlos; Rodríguez, L. F.; Torrelles, José M.; Anglada, Guillem; González-Martín, Omaira
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 139, Issue 6, pp. 2433-2439 (2010).
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We analyze radio continuum and line observations from the archives of
the Very Large Array (VLA), as well as X-ray observations from the
Chandra archive of the region of massive star formation W75N. Five radio
continuum sources are detected: VLA 1, VLA 2, VLA 3, Bc, and VLA 4. VLA
3 appears to be a radio jet; we detect J = 1-0, v = 0 SiO emission
toward it, probably tracing the inner parts of a molecular outflow. The
radio continuum source Bc, previously believed to be tracing an
independent star, is found to exhibit important changes in total flux
density, morphology, and position. These results suggest that source Bc
is actually a radio Herbig-Haro object, one of the brightest known,
powered by the VLA 3 jet source. VLA 4 is a new radio continuum
component, located a few arcsec to the south of the group of previously
known radio sources. Strong and broad (1,1) and (2,2) ammonia emission
is detected from the region containing the radio sources VLA 1, VLA 2,
and VLA 3. Finally, the 2-10 keV emission seen in the Chandra/ACIS image
shows two regions that could be the termination shocks of the outflows
from the multiple sources observed in W75N.