The far-infrared/radio correlation as probed by Herschel

Ivison, R. J.; Magnelli, B.; Ibar, E.; Andreani, P.; Elbaz, D.; Altieri, B.; Amblard, A.; Arumugam, V.; Auld, R.; Aussel, H.; Babbedge, T.; Berta, S.; Blain, A.; Bock, J.; Bongiovanni, A.; Boselli, A.; Buat, V.; Burgarella, D.; Castro-Rodríguez, N.; Cava, A.; Cepa, J.; Chanial, P.; Cimatti, A.; Cirasuolo, M.; Clements, D. L.; Conley, A.; Conversi, L.; Cooray, A.; Daddi, E.; Dominguez, H.; Dowell, C. D.; Dwek, E.; Eales, S.; Farrah, D.; Förster Schreiber, N.; Fox, M.; Franceschini, A.; Gear, W.; Genzel, R.; Glenn, J.; Griffin, M.; Gruppioni, C.; Halpern, M.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Isaak, K.; Lagache, G.; Levenson, L.; Lu, N.; Lutz, D.; Madden, S.; Maffei, B.; Magdis, G.; Mainetti, G.; Maiolino, R.; Marchetti, L.; Morrison, G. E.; Mortier, A. M. J.; Nguyen, H. T.; Nordon, R.; O'Halloran, B.; Oliver, S. J.; Omont, A.; Owen, F. N.; Page, M. J.; Panuzzo, P.; Papageorgiou, A.; Pearson, C. P.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Pérez-García, A. M.; Poglitsch, A.; Pohlen, M.; Popesso, P.; Pozzi, F.; Rawlings, J. I.; Raymond, G.; Rigopoulou, D.; Riguccini, L.; Rizzo, D.; Rodighiero, G.; Roseboom, I. G.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Saintonge, A.; Sanchez Portal, M.; Santini, P.; Schulz, B.; Scott, D.; Seymour, N.; Shao, L.; Shupe, D. L.; Smith, A. J.; Stevens, J. A.; Sturm, E.; Symeonidis, M.; Tacconi, L.; Trichas, M.; Tugwell, K. E.; Vaccari, M.; Valtchanov, I.; Vieira, J.; Vigroux, L. et al.
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 518, id.L31

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We set out to determine the ratio, qIR, of rest-frame 8-1000-μm flux, SIR, to monochromatic radio flux, S1.4 GHz, for galaxies selected at far-infrared (IR) and radio wavelengths, to search for signs that the ratio evolves with redshift, luminosity or dust temperature, Td, and to identify any far-IR-bright outliers - useful laboratories for exploring why the far-IR/radio correlation (FIRRC) is generally so tight when the prevailing theory suggests variations are almost inevitable. We use flux-limited 250-μm and 1.4-GHz samples, obtained using Herschel and the Very Large Array (VLA) in GOODS-North (-N). We determine bolometric IR output using ten bands spanning λobs = 24-1250 μm, exploiting data from PACS and SPIRE (PEP; HerMES), as well as Spitzer, SCUBA, AzTEC and MAMBO. We also explore the properties of an LIR-matched sample, designed to reveal evolution of qIR with redshift, spanning log LIR = 11-12 L&sun; and z = 0-2, by stacking into the radio and far-IR images. For 1.4-GHz-selected galaxies in GOODS-N, we see tentative evidence of a break in the flux ratio, qIR, at L1.4 GHz ~ 1022.7 W Hz-1, where active galactic nuclei (AGN) are starting to dominate the radio power density, and of weaker correlations with redshift and Td. From our 250-μm-selected sample we identify a small number of far-IR-bright outliers, and see trends of qIR with L1.4 GHz, LIR, Td and redshift, noting that some of these are inter-related. For our LIR-matched sample, there is no evidence that qIR changes significantly as we move back into the epoch of galaxy formation: we find qIR ∝(1+z)γ, where γ = -0.04±0.03 at z = 0-2; however, discounting the least reliable data at z < 0.5 we find γ = -0.26±0.07, modest evolution which may be related to the radio background seen by ARCADE 2, perhaps driven by <10-μJy radio activity amongst ordinary star-forming galaxies at z > 1. Herschel is an ESA space observatory with science instruments provided by European-led Principal Investigator consortia and with important participation from NASA.
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