González-Nuevo, J.; de Zotti, G.; Andreani, P.; Barton, E. J.; Bertoldi, F.; Birkinshaw, M.; Bonavera, L.; Buttiglione, S.; Cooke, J.; Cooray, A.; Danese, G.; Dunne, L.; Eales, S.; Fan, L.; Jarvis, M. J.; Klöckner, H.-R.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Herranz, D.; Hughes, D. H.; Lapi, A.; Lawrence, A.; Leeuw, L.; Lopez-Caniego, M.; Massardi, M.; Mauch, T.; Michałowski, M. J.; Negrello, M.; Rawlings, S.; Rodighiero, G.; Samui, S.; Serjeant, S.; Vieira, J. D.; White, G.; Amblard, A.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Bonfield, D. G.; Burgarella, D.; Cava, A.; Clements, D. L.; Dariush, A.; Dye, S.; Frayer, D.; Fritz, J.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, R. J.; Lagache, G.; Maddox, S.; Pascale, E.; Pohlen, M.; Rigby, E.; Sibthorpe, B.; Smith, D. J. B.; Temi, P.; Thompson, M.; Valtchanov, I.; Verma, A.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 518, id.L38
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To investigate the poorly constrained sub-mm counts and spectral
properties of blazars we searched for these in the Herschel-ATLAS
(H-ATLAS) science demonstration phase (SDP) survey catalog. We
cross-matched 500 μm sources brighter than 50 mJy with the FIRST
radio catalogue. We found two blazars, both previously known. Our study
is among the first blind blazar searches at sub-mm wavelengths, i.e., in
the spectral regime where little is still known about the blazar SEDs,
but where the synchrotron peak of the most luminous blazars is expected
to occur. Our early results are consistent with educated extrapolations
of lower frequency counts and question indications of substantial
spectral curvature downwards and of spectral upturns at mm wavelengths.
One of the two blazars is identified with a Fermi/LAT γ-ray source
and a WMAP source. The physical parameters of the two blazars are
briefly discussed. These observations demonstrate that the H-ATLAS
survey will provide key information about the physics of blazars and
their contribution to sub-mm counts.
Herschel is an ESA space observatory with science instruments provided
by European-led Principal Investigator consortia and with important
participation from NASA.
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