A new line list for the A2Σ+ -X2 Π electronic transition of OH

Yousefi, M.; Bernath, P. F.; Hodges, J.; Masseron, T.
Referencia bibliográfica

Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 217, p. 416-424.

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A new line list for the A2Σ+ -X2 Π electronic transition of OH has been calculated. Line positions have been taken from the literature and refitted with Western's PGOPHER program. Line intensities were calculated using a new ab initio Transition Dipole Moment Function (TDMF) obtained with Molpro 2012. The new TDMF and the potential functions from LeRoy's RKR program have been used as input to LeRoy's LEVEL program in order to calculate Transition Dipole Moment Matrix Elements (TDMMEs). These matrix elements were transformed from Hund's case (b) to Hund's case (a) as required for the PGOPHER program using the method of Brooke et al. [JQSRT 2016; 168: 142-157] The line list was calculated with PGOPHER for bands with v‧ = 0 - 4 in the A2Σ+ state and v″ = 0 - 9 for the X2Π state.
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