Compère, P.; López-Corredoira, M.; Garzón, F.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 571, id.A98, 8 pp.
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Context. Some observations indicate that the Milky Way has two inner
components, a bulge and a long bar, which present a misalignment of
Δα ≃ 20° that is against the predictions of some
theoretical models that are based on numerical simulations. Aims:
We wish to determine whether this misalignment between the bar and the
bulge can be observed in barred galaxies other than the Milky Way. Methods: Each galaxy of our sample was decomposed based on its
Ks-band 2MASS image by fitting and modelling in a
three-dimensional (3D) space the following components: a disc, a bar,
and a bulge. The χ2 goodness-of-fit estimation allowed
retrieving the best-fit angle values for the bar and the bulge to detect
any misalignment. Results: From the 3D decomposition of six
barred galaxies, we have detected at least three galaxies (NGC 2217, NGC
3992, and NGC 4593) that present a significant misalignment between the
bar and the bulge of Δα> 20°.
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López Corredoira