The V-R Diagram - a Diagnostic Tool for the Dynamical Classification of Spiral Galaxies

Campos-Aguilar, A.; Prieto, M.; Garcia, C.
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol.276, NO. 1/SEPI, P. 16, 1993

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The relations between the angular momentum (J) and the mass (M) for a sample of spiral galaxies are discussed for galaxies distributed in the rotational velocity (V) - size (R) plane. It is found that, for a given mass, Sc galaxies have larger angular momentum (~20%) than Sa. The absence of segregation in the angular momentum (J) - mass (M) plane is explained in terms of observational errors, which are greater than the expected differences in J between galaxies of equal mass and different type. The distribution of lenticular and irregular galaxies in the V-R plane is also discussed.