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The IAC has long been aware of the importance of promoting initiatives for the characterization and protection of the Canarian Observatories (Roque de los Muchachos -ORM- on La Palma and Teide -OT- on Tenerife). For this reason, the Sky Quality Team was created and then a technical office for sky protection (OTPC) to ensure that the Law protecting the astronomical qualities of the Canarian sky are not degraded by developments. Since 1990, Site Characterization studies have been carried out, funded by the IAC and co-funded by several programs over the years (e.g. the E-ELT telescope design study -EC FP6 program-, Optical Infrared Co-ordination Network for Astronomy -OPTICON-, ESA and others). The Sky Team is meant to be a small nucleus that, thanks to the institutional support from the different IAC departments (e.g. research & technology), can cope with a wide and important range of duties. Presently the Team is composed of C. Muñoz-Tuñón (PI), A. M. Varela & J. A. Castro-Almazán The Sky Team’s main objective is the continuous characterization and the preservation of astronomical conditions of the Canarian Observatories. Therefore, it is our objective to always provide updated information to take the greatest possible advantage of the Sky’s outstanding properties for astronomical observations.
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