En esta charla se presenta una puesta al día de los resultados más importantes de un estudio arqueoastronómico interdisciplinar realizado en varias decenas de...
(1) Searching for massive OB stars in galactic clusters: my current contribution to the MASGOMAS project (2) Observational diagnostics of solar 3D radiation-MHD simulations
(1) The recent infrared surveys (2MASS, UKIDSS and GLIMPSE) contributed strongly to the discovery of new young massive clusters within our Galaxy, by offering...
ESA Gaia mission as successor to Hipparcos is planning to map 1% of the stellar population of our galaxy, around one thousand million objects, to micro...
Petra unveiled: Solstices, Pilgrimages and Zodiacs in the Nabataean Kingdom
En marzo de 106 AD el Reino Nabateo fue anexado por el emperador Trajano creando la nueva provincia de Arabia (Petraea). Nabatea y su antigua capital, la ciudad...
PLATO: The ESA Cosmic Vision planetray system characterizer
I present a general overview of the PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars (PLATO) space mission. PLATO was approved by ESA’s Science Programme Committee...
Gaia - the ESA cornerstone astrometric mission - was launched in December 2013, with the goal of censing the Milky Way population in a 6D space (positions and...