A possible black hole in the γ-ray microquasar LS 5039
The population of high-energy and very high-energy γ-ray sources, detected with EGRET and the new generation of ground-based Cherenkov telescopes, forms a...
A rapid optical and X-ray timing study of the neutron star X-ray binary Swift J1858.6-0814
We present a rapid timing analysis of optical (HiPERCAM and ULTRACAM) and X-ray (NICER) observations of the X-ray transient Swift J1858.6-0814 during 2018 and...
A refined dynamical mass for the black hole in the X-ray transient XTE J1859+226
We present two contiguous nights of simultaneous time-resolved Gran Telescopio Canarias spectroscopy and William Herschel Telescope photometry of the black hole...
A return to strong radio flaring by Circinus X-1 observed with the Karoo Array Telescope test array KAT-7
Circinus X-1 is a bright and highly variable X-ray binary which displays strong and rapid evolution in all wavebands. Radio flaring, associated with the...
A Robust Determination of the Size of Quasar Accretion Disks Using Gravitational Microlensing
Using microlensing measurements for a sample of 27 image pairs of 19 lensed quasars we determine a maximum likelihood estimate for the accretion disk size of an...
A search for evidence of irradiation in Centaurus X-4 during quiescence
Aims.We present a study of the neutron star X-Ray Transient Cen X-4. Our aim is to look for any evidence of irradiation of the companion with a detailed...
A signature of the donor star in the extra-galactic X-ray binary LMCX-2
Two nights of phase-resolved medium-resolution Very Large Telescope spectroscopy of the extra-galactic low-mass X-ray binary LMCX-2 have revealed a 0.32 +/- 0...
A Strongly Heated Neutron Star in the Transient Z Source MAXI J0556-332
We present Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Swift observations of the quiescent neutron star in the transient low-mass X-ray binary MAXI J0556-332. Observations of the...
A Study of Gravitational Lens Chromaticity Using Ground-based Narrowband Photometry
We present observations of wavelength-dependent flux ratios for four gravitational lens systems (SDSS J1650+4251, HE 0435-1223, FBQ 0951+2635, and Q 0142-100)...