There are galaxies that remain untouched since the ancient Universe. These unique objects, the so-called relic galaxies, are several times more massive than our...
Spectroscopic analysis of stellar populations is widely used to understand the history of many systems including globular clusters, nuclear star clusters, dwarf...
Introduction of new postdocs. (1) Stellar magnetic fields, (2) My humble efforts to understand galaxy formation and evolution, (3) Waiting for Herschel: my perspective
(1) Stellar magnetic fields. Spectro-polarimetry is a very powerful tool to diagnose magnetic fields in a large variety of astrophysical objects. My research...
Is the riddle of the astronomical Li origin solved?
Lithium is a key element which plays an important role in astronomy as well as everyday human life. Nevertheless it is probably the only element whose...
JWST view of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and dust in local active galaxies
Nowadays, it is widely accepted that most galaxies undergo an active phase in their evolution. The impact of the energy released by active galactic nuclei (AGN)...
JWST/NIRCam Narrowband Survey of Paβ Emitters in the Spiderweb Protocluster at z = 2.16
We report the initial result of our Paβ narrowband imaging on a protocluster with the JWST Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam). As NIRCam enables deep narrowband...
JWST/NIRCam Paβ Narrowband Imaging Reveals Ordinary Dust Extinction for Hα Emitters within the Spiderweb Protocluster at z = 2.16
We combine JWST/NIRCam and Subaru/MOIRCS dual Paβ+Hα narrowband imaging to trace the dust attenuation and the star formation activities of a sample of 43 Hα...
Kinematics and stellar population gradients as fingerprints of past mergers in elliptical galaxies
The formation and evolution of early-type galaxies constitutes a long-standing and crucial problem in cosmology. In all hierarchical clustering models within a...
Large scale structures and galaxy evolution in the COSMOS Survey
The COSMOS survey is the largest high redshift galaxy evolution survey ever done -- imaging 2 square degrees with all major space-based and ground based...