Dwarf galaxies in the Local Group allow to study in great detail the physical mechanisms responsible for the formation and evolution of galaxies. In fact, their...
J-PLUS: Uncovering a large population of extreme [OIII] emitters in the local Universe
Context. Over the past decades, several studies have discovered a population of galaxies that undergo very strong star formation events. They are called extreme...
JCMT BISTRO Observations: Magnetic Field Morphology of Bubbles Associated with NGC 6334
We study the HII regions associated with the NGC 6334 molecular cloud observed in the submillimeter and taken as part of the B-fields In STar-forming Region...
Kinematics of the ionized and molecular gas in nearby luminous infrared interacting galaxies
We have observed three luminous infrared galaxy systems which are pairs of interacting galaxies, with the Galaxy Hα Fabry-Perot system mounted on the 4.2 m...
Las galaxias satélite podrían seguir formando estrellas cuando pasan cerca de las galaxias anfitrionas
Históricamente los científicos han creído que una vez que las galaxias satélite pasan cerca de la galaxia anfitriona, de mayor masa, su formación estelar se...
Legacy Extragalactic UV Survey (LEGUS) With the Hubble Space Telescope. I. Survey Description
The Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey (LEGUS) is a Cycle 21 Treasury program on the Hubble Space Telescope aimed at the investigation of star formation and its...
Legacy ExtraGalactic UV Survey with The Hubble Space Telescope: Stellar Cluster Catalogs and First Insights Into Cluster Formation and Evolution in NGC 628
We report the large effort that is producing comprehensive high-level young star cluster (YSC) catalogs for a significant fraction of galaxies observed with the...
LeMMINGs - I. The eMERLIN legacy survey of nearby galaxies. 1.5-GHz parsec-scale radio structures and cores
We present the first data release of high-resolution (≤0.2 arcsec) 1.5-GHz radio images of 103 nearby galaxies from the Palomar sample, observed with the...
LeMMINGs - II. The e-MERLIN legacy survey of nearby galaxies. The deepest radio view of the Palomar sample on parsec scale
We present the second data release of high-resolution (≤0.2 arcsec) 1.5-GHz radio images of 177 nearby galaxies from the Palomar sample, observed with the e...