PSR B1951+32 is a gamma -ray pulsar detected by the Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) and identified with the 39.5 ms radio pulsar in the...
VHE γ-Ray Observation of the Crab Nebula and its Pulsar with the MAGIC Telescope
We report about very high energy (VHE) γ-ray observations of the Crab Nebula with the MAGIC telescope. The γ-ray flux from the nebula was measured between 60...
X-ray and optical observations of the millisecond pulsar binary PSR J1431–4715
We present the first X-ray observation of the energetic millisecond pulsar binary PSR J1431‑4715, performed with XMM-Newton and complemented with fast optical...
Compact binary millisecond pulsars with main-sequence donors, often referred to as "redbacks," constitute the long-sought link between low-mass X-ray binaries...
XMM-Newton TOO observation of the SMC field around XTE J0055-727: Two transient X-ray pulsars in outburst (XMMU J005455.4-724512 and XMMU J005517.9-723853).
An XMM-Newton target of opportunity observation of the field around the transient pulsar XTE J0055-727 (ATEL #214) in the Small Magellanic Cloud was performed...
After the recent reports of activity of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1751-305 (ATELs #1045, #1046 and #1051) we obtained another Swift/XRT (~4.3ksec)...
The eclipsing X-ray pulsar XTE J1855-026 (Corbet & Mukai 2002, ApJ 577, 923) has been unambiguously identified by a recent Swift observation (Romano et al...