A New Approach to the Solar Oxygen Abundance Problem
In this work we present new data that sets strong constraints on the solar oxygen abundance. Our approach, based on the analysis of spectropolarimetric...
A new code for automatic determination of equivalent widths: Automatic Routine for line Equivalent widths in stellar Spectra (ARES)
Aims:We present a new automatic code (ARES) for determining equivalent widths of the absorption lines present in stellar spectra. We also describe its use for...
A new dynamical modeling of the WASP-47 system with CHEOPS observations
Among the hundreds of known hot Jupiters (HJs), only five have been found to have companions on short-period orbits. Within this rare class of multiple...
A New Einstein Cross Gravitational Lens of a Lyman-break Galaxy
We report the study of an “Einstein Cross” configuration first identified in a set of HST images by Cerny et al. Deep spectroscopic observations obtained at the...
A New Gas Cell for High-precision Doppler Measurements in the Near-infrared
High-resolution spectroscopy in the near-infrared could become the leading method for discovering extra-solar planets around very low mass stars and brown...
A new L5 brown dwarf member of the Hyades cluster with chromospheric activity
Aims: Our aim is to identify brown dwarf members of the nearby Hyades open star cluster to determine the photometric and spectroscopic properties of brown...
A new look inside planetary nebula LoTr 5: a long-period binary with hints of a possible third component
LoTr 5 is a planetary nebula with an unusual long-period binary central star. As far as we know, the pair consists of a rapidly rotating G-type star and a hot...
A new method for instrumental profile reconstruction of high-resolution spectrographs
GJ 9827 is a bright, nearby K7V star orbited by two super-Earths and one mini-Neptune on close-in orbits. The system was first discovered using K2 data and then...
A new method of measuring centre-of-mass velocities of radially pulsating stars from high-resolution spectroscopy
We present a radial velocity analysis of 20 solar neighbourhood RR Lyrae and three Population II Cepheid variables. We obtained high-resolution, moderate-to...