Archaeoastronomy and sacred places in Tenerife (Canary Islands).

Jiménez, J. J.; Esteban, C.; Febles, J. V.; Belmonte, J. A.
Referencia bibliográfica

"IVth SEAC Meeting "Astronomy and Culture", p. 185 - 190"

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For the last few years the authors have been investigating (with work still in progress) several archaeological sites of the indigenous culture of the island of Tenerife, in search of possible astronomical connections, be these of a calendric or religious nature. Of these sites, the authors will concentrate, within their archaeological context, on those containing small channels and carved "basins" (or "hollows") and interpreted as probable cultic sites. The present work constitutes and initial approach to the contrasting of different aspects, such as location, celestial horizon, morphology, the visibility of Mount Teide and burials.