Luna, M.; Moreno-Insertis, F.; Priest, E.
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 808, Issue 1, article id. L23, 5 pp. (2015).
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Recent high-resolution and high-cadence observations have surprisingly
suggested that prominence barbs exhibit apparent rotating motions
suggestive of a tornado-like structure. Additional evidence has been
provided by Doppler measurements. The observations reveal opposite
velocities for both hot and cool plasma on the two sides of a prominence
barb. This motion is persistent for several hours and has been
interpreted in terms of rotational motion of prominence feet. Several
authors suggest that such barb motions are rotating helical structures
around a vertical axis similar to tornadoes on Earth. One of the
difficulties of such a proposal is how to support cool prominence plasma
in almost-vertical structures against gravity. In this work we model
analytically a tornado-like structure and try to determine possible
mechanisms to support the prominence plasma. We have found that the
Lorentz force can indeed support the barb plasma provided the magnetic
structure is sufficiently twisted and/or significant poloidal flows are
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