Souto, D.; Allende Prieto, C.; Cunha, Katia; Pinsonneault, Marc; Smith, Verne V.; Garcia-Dias, R.; Bovy, Jo; García-Hernández, D. A.; Holtzman, Jon; Johnson, J. A.; Jönsson, Henrik; Majewski, Steve R.; Shetrone, Matthew; Sobeck, Jennifer; Zamora, O.; Pan, Kaike; Nitschelm, Christian
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 874, Issue 1, article id. 97, 28 pp. (2019).
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Chemical abundances for 15 elements (C, N, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti,
V, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni) are presented for 83 stellar members of the 4 Gyr
old solar-metallicity open cluster M67. The sample contains stars
spanning a wide range of evolutionary phases, from G dwarfs to red clump
stars. The abundances were derived from near-IR (λ1.5–1.7
μm) high-resolution spectra (R = 22,500) from the SDSS-IV/Apache
Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) survey. A 1D
local thermodynamic equilibrium abundance analysis was carried out using
the APOGEE synthetic spectral libraries, via χ2
minimization of the synthetic and observed spectra with the qASPCAP
code. We found significant abundance differences (∼0.05–0.30
dex) between the M67 member stars as a function of the stellar mass (or
position on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram), where the abundance
patterns exhibit a general depletion (in [X/H]) in stars at the
main-sequence turnoff. The amount of the depletion is different for
different elements. We find that atomic diffusion models provide, in
general, good agreement with the abundance trends for most chemical
species, supporting recent studies indicating that measurable atomic
diffusion operates in M67 stars.
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