DESI mock challenge. Halo and galaxy catalogues with the bias assignment method

Balaguera-Antolínez, Andrés; Kitaura, Francisco-Shu; Alam, Shadab; Chuang, Chia-Hsun; Yu, Yu; Favole, Ginevra; Sinigaglia, Francesco; Zhao, Cheng; Brooks, David; de la Macorra, Axel; Font-Ribera, Andreu; Gontcho A Gontcho, Satya; Honscheid, Klaus; Kehoe, Robert; Meisner, Aron; Miquel, Ramon; Tarlé, Gregory; Vargas-Magaña, Mariana; Zhou, Zhimin
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Astronomy and Astrophysics

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Context. We present a novel approach to the construction of mock galaxy catalogues for large-scale structure analysis based on the distribution of dark matter halos obtained with effective bias models at the field level.
Aims: We aim to produce mock galaxy catalogues capable of generating accurate covariance matrices for a number of cosmological probes that are expected to be measured in current and forthcoming galaxy redshift surveys (e.g. two- and three-point statistics). The construction of the catalogues shown in this paper is part of a mock-comparison project within the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration.
Methods: We use the bias assignment method (BAM) to model the statistics of halo distribution through a learning algorithm using a few detailed N-body simulations, and approximated gravity solvers based on Lagrangian perturbation theory. We introduce cosmic-web-dependent corrections to modelling redshift-space distortions at the N-body level - both in the halo and galaxy distributions -, as well as a multi-scale approach for accurate assignment of halo properties. Using specific models of halo occupation distributions to populate halos, we generate galaxy mocks with the expected number density and central-satellite fraction of emission-line galaxies, which are a key target of the DESI experiment.
Results: BAM generates mock catalogues with per cent accuracy in a number of summary statistics, such as the abundance, the two- and three-point statistics of halo distributions, both in real and redshift space. In particular, the mock galaxy catalogues display ∼3%−10% accuracy in the multipoles of the power spectrum up to scales of k ∼ 0.4 h−1Mpc. We show that covariance matrices of two- and three-point statistics obtained with BAM display a similar structure to the reference simulation.
Conclusions: BAM offers an efficient way to produce mock halo catalogues with accurate two- and three-point statistics, and is able to generate a variety of multi-tracer catalogues with precise covariance matrices of several cosmological probes. We discuss future developments of the algorithm towards mock production in DESI and other galaxy-redshift surveys.
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