Perley, Daniel A.; Bloom, J. S.; Klein, C. R.; Covino, S.; Minezaki, T.; Woźniak, P.; Vestrand, W. T.; Williams, G. G.; Milne, P.; Butler, N. R.; Updike, A. C.; Krühler, T.; Afonso, P.; Antonelli, A.; Cowie, L.; Ferrero, P.; Greiner, J.; Hartmann, D. H.; Kakazu, Y.; Küpcü Yoldaş, A.; Morgan, A. N.; Price, P. A.; Prochaska, J. X.; Yoshii, Y.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 406, Issue 4, pp. 2473-2487.
Fecha de publicación:
Número de citas
Número de citas referidas
We present observations and analysis of the broad-band afterglow of
Swift GRB071025. Using optical and infrared (RIYJHK) photometry, we
derive a photometric redshift of 4.4 < z < 5.2; at this redshift
our simultaneous multicolour observations begin at ~30 s after the
gamma-ray burst trigger in the host frame, during the initial rising
phase of the afterglow. We associate the light-curve peak at ~580 s in
the observer frame with the formation of the forward shock, giving an
estimate of the initial Lorentz factor Γ0 ~ 200. The
red spectral energy distribution (even in regions not affected by the
Lyman α break) provides secure evidence of a large dust column.
However, the inferred extinction curve shows a prominent flat component
between 2000 and 3000 Å in the rest frame, inconsistent with any
locally observed template but well fitted by models of dust formed by
supernovae. Time-dependent fits to the extinction profile reveal no
evidence of dust destruction and limit the decrease in the extinction
column to ΔA3000 < 0.54 mag after t = 50 s in the
rest frame. Together with studies of high-z quasars, our observations
suggest a transition in dust properties in the early Universe, possibly
associated with a transition between supernova-dominated and asymptotic
giant branch-dominated modes of dust production.
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