Utz, D.; del Toro Iniesta, J. C.; Bellot Rubio, L. R.; Jurčák, J.; Martínez Pillet, V.; Solanki, S. K.; Schmidt, W.
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 796, Issue 2, article id. 79, 17 pp. (2014).
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The evolution of the physical parameters of magnetic bright points
(MBPs) located in the quiet Sun (mainly in the interwork) during their
lifetime is studied. First, we concentrate on the detailed description
of the magnetic field evolution of three MBPs. This reveals that
individual features follow different, generally complex, and rather
dynamic scenarios of evolution. Next, we apply statistical methods on
roughly 200 observed MBP evolutionary tracks. MBPs are found to be
formed by the strengthening of an equipartition field patch, which
initially exhibits a moderate downflow. During the evolution, strong
downdrafts with an average velocity of 2.4 km s–1 set
in. These flows, taken together with the concurrent strengthening of the
field, suggest that we are witnessing the occurrence of convective
collapses in these features, although only 30% of them reach kG field
strengths. This fraction might turn out to be larger when the new 4 m
class solar telescopes are operational as observations of MBPs with
current state of the art instrumentation could still be suffering from
resolution limitations. Finally, when the bright point disappears
(although the magnetic field often continues to exist) the magnetic
field strength has dropped to the equipartition level and is generally
somewhat weaker than at the beginning of the MBP's evolution. Also, only
relatively weak downflows are found on average at this stage of the
evolution. Only 16% of the features display upflows at the time that the
field weakens, or the MBP disappears. This speaks either for a very fast
evolving dynamic process at the end of the lifetime, which could not be
temporally resolved, or against strong upflows as the cause of the
weakening of the field of these magnetic elements, as has been proposed
based on simulation results. It is noteworthy that in about 10% of the
cases, we observe in the vicinity of the downflows small-scale strong
(exceeding 2 km s–1) intergranular upflows related
spatially and temporally to these downflows. The paper is complemented
by a detailed discussion of aspects regarding the applied methods, the
complementary literature, and in depth analysis of parameters like
magnetic field strength and velocity distributions. An important
difference to magnetic elements and associated bright structures in
active region plage is that most of the quiet Sun bright points display
significant downflows over a large fraction of their lifetime (i.e., in
more than 46% of time instances/measurements they show downflows
exceeding 1 km s–1).
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