Manteiga, M.; García-Hernández, D. A.; Ulla, A.; Manchado, A.; García-Lario, P.
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 141, Issue 3, article id. 80 (2011).
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The high-resolution (R ~ 600) Spitzer/IRS spectrum of the bipolar
protoplanetary nebula (PN) IRAS 17423-1755 is presented in order to
clarify the dominant chemistry (C-rich versus O-rich) of its
circumstellar envelope as well as to constrain its evolutionary stage.
The high-quality Spitzer/IRS spectrum shows weak 9.7 μm absorption
from amorphous silicates. This confirms for the first time the O-rich
nature of IRAS 17423-1755 in contradiction to a previous C-rich
classification, which was based on the wrong identification of the
strong 3.1 μm absorption feature seen in the Infrared Space
Observatory spectrum as due to acetylene (C2H2).
The high-resolution Spitzer/IRS spectrum displays a complete lack of
C-rich mid-IR features such as molecular absorption features (e.g., 13.7
μm C2H2, 14.0 μm HCN, etc.) or the classical
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon infrared emission bands. Thus, the
strong 3.1 μm absorption band toward IRAS 17423-1755 has to be
identified as water ice. In addition, an [Ne II] nebular emission line
at 12.8 μm is clearly detected, indicating that the ionization of its
central region may be already started. The spectral energy distribution
in the infrared (~2-200 μm) and other observational properties of
IRAS 17423-1755 are discussed in comparison with the similar
post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB) objects IRAS 19343+2926 and IRAS
17393-2727. We conclude that IRAS 17423-1755 is an O-rich high-mass
post-AGB object that represents a link between OH/IR stars with extreme
outflows and highly bipolar PN.
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Nucleosíntesis y procesos moleculares en los últimos estados de la evolución estelar
Las estrellas de masa baja e intermedia (M < 8 masas solares, Ms) representan la mayoría de estrellas en el Cosmos y terminan sus vidas en la Rama Asintótica de las Gigantes (AGB) - justo antes de formar Nebulosas Planetarias (NPs) - cuando experimentan procesos nucleosintéticos y moleculares complejos. Las estrellas AGB son importantes
Domingo Aníbal
García Hernández