Kinematics of Gas and Stars in Early-type Disk Galaxies

Vega Beltrán, J. C.; Pignatelli, E.; Zeilinger, W. W.; Pizzella, A.; Corsini, E. M.; Bertola, F.; Beckman, J. E.
Referencia bibliográfica

Galaxy Dynamics, proceedings of a conference held at Rutgers University, 8-12 Aug 1998. ASP Conference Series vol. 182 (San Francisco: ASP), edited by David R. Merritt, Monica Valluri, and J. A. Sellwood

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We present a comparison between ionized gas and stellar kinematics for a sample of 5 early-to-intermediate disk galaxies. We measured the major axis V and velocity dispersion radial profiles for both gas and stars, and the h_3 and h_4 radial profiles of the stars. We also derived from the R-band surface photometry of each galaxy the light contribution of their bulges and disks. In order to investigate the differences in the velocity fields of our sample galaxies we adopted the self-consistent dynamical model by Pignatelli & Galletta (1998), which takes into account the asymmetric drift effects, the projection effects along the line-of-sight and the non-Gaussian shape of the line profiles due to the presence of different components with distinct dynamical behavior.