de la Cruz Rodríguez, J.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Carlsson, M.; Leenaarts, J.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 543, id.A34
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Context. The structure of the solar chromosphere is believed to be
governed by magnetic fields, even in quiet-Sun regions that have a
relatively weak photospheric field. During the past decade inversion
methods have emerged as powerful tools for analyzing the chromosphere of
active regions. The applicability of inversions to infer the
stratification of the physical conditions in a dynamic 3D solar
chromosphere has not yet been studied in detail. Aims: This study
aims to establish the diagnostic capabilities of non-local
thermodynamical equilibrium (NLTE) inversion techniques of Stokes
profiles induced by the Zeeman effect in the Ca ii λ8542 Å
line. Methods: We computed the Ca ii atomic level populations in
a snapshot from a 3D radiation-MHD simulation of the quiet solar
atmosphere in non-LTE using the 3D radiative transfer code Multi3d.
These populations were used to compute synthetic full-Stokes profiles in
the Ca ii λ8542 Å line using 1.5D radiative transfer and
the inversion code Nicole. The profiles were then spectrally degraded to
account for finite filter width, and Gaussian noise was added to account
for finite photon flux. These profiles were inverted using Nicole and
the results were compared with the original model atmosphere.
Results: Our NLTE inversions applied to quiet-Sun synthetic observations
provide reasonably good estimates of the chromospheric magnetic field,
line-of-sight velocities and somewhat less accurate, but still very
useful, estimates of the temperature. Three-dimensional scattering of
photons cause cool pockets in the chromosphere to be invisible in the
line profile and consequently they are also not recovered by the
inversions. To successfully detect Stokes linear polarization in this
quiet snapshot, a noise level below 10-3.5 is necessary.
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