Belluzzi, Luca; Landi Degl'Innocenti, Egidio; Trujillo Bueno, Javier
Referencia bibliográfica
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 705, Issue 1, pp. 218-225 (2009).
Fecha de publicación:
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High-sensitivity measurements of the linearly polarized solar limb
spectrum produced by scattering processes in quiet regions of the solar
atmosphere showed that the Q/I profile of the lithium doublet at 6708
Å has an amplitude ~10-4 and a curious three-peak
structure, qualitatively similar to that found and confirmed by many
observers in the Na I D2 line. Given that a precise
measurement of the scattering polarization profile of the lithium
doublet lies at the limit of the present observational possibilities, it
is worthwhile to clarify the physical origin of the observed
polarization, its diagnostic potential, and what kind of Q/I shapes can
be expected from theory. To this end, we have applied the quantum theory
of atomic level polarization taking into account the hyperfine structure
of the two stable isotopes of lithium, as well as the Hanle effect of a
microturbulent magnetic field of arbitrary strength. We find that
quantum interferences between the sublevels pertaining to the upper
levels of the D2 and D1 line transitions of
lithium do not cause any observable effect on the emergent Q/I profile.
Our theoretical calculations show that only two Q/I peaks can be
expected, with the strongest one caused by the D2 line of
7Li I and the weakest one due to the D2 line of
6Li I. Interestingly, we find that these two peaks in the
theoretical Q/I profile stand out clearly only when the kinetic
temperature of the thin atmospheric region that produces the emergent
spectral line radiation is lower than 4000 K. The fact that such a thin
atmospheric region is located around a height of 200 km in standard
semi-empirical models, where the kinetic temperature is about 5000 K,
leads us to suggest that the most likely Q/I profile produced by the Sun
in the lithium doublet should be slightly asymmetric and dominated by
the 7Li I peak.
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