Small magnetic structures in the photosphere, radiative properties

Palacios, Judith; Domingo, Vicente; Cabello, Iballa; Bonet, José Antonio; Sánchez Almeida, Jorge
Referencia bibliográfica

37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 13-20 July 2008, in Montréal, Canada., p.2331

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The three dimensional structure of small magnetic field features in the photosphere, their dynamic behavior and their radiative properties are studied. We analyze data obtained in simultaneous observations made on Sept 29 and 30, 2007 with the HINODE spacecraft and the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST) in La Palma in different wavelengths, such as CaII (396.85 nm) and CN (388.35 nm) and other with Hinode data; and Gband (430.56 nm) with SST. Tha analysis is completed with high resolution Gband and Gcontinuum (436.39 nm) images from SST obtained on 2005 and 2006. Magnetograms have been obtained from both observatories. SST images have been processed with MOMFB code. Ribbon-like structures and "flowers" are studied in detail. Comparisons with solar atmospheric models are presented.