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  • The GAPS Programme at TNG. LIV. A He I survey of close-in giant planets hosted by M-K dwarf stars with GIANO-B
    Context. Atmospheric escape plays a fundamental role in shaping the properties of exoplanets. The metastable near-infrared (nIR) helium triplet at 1083.3 nm (He I) is a powerful proxy of extended and evaporating atmospheres. Aims: We used the GIARPS (GIANO-B + HARPS-N) observing mode of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo to search for He I absorption
    Guilluy, G. et al.

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  • The GAPS Programme at TNG. LV. Multiple molecular species in the atmosphere of HAT-P-11 b and review of the HAT-P-11 planetary system
    Context. The atmospheric characterisation of hot and warm Neptune-size exoplanets is challenging mainly due to their relatively small radius and atmospheric scale height, which reduce the amplitude of atmospheric spectral features. The warm-Neptune HAT-P-11 b is a remarkable target for atmospheric characterisation because of the large brightness of
    Basilicata, M. et al.

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  • Comparison of optical spectra between asteroids Ryugu and Bennu: I. Cross calibration between Hayabusa2/ONC-T and OSIRIS-REx/MapCam
    Asteroids (162173) Ryugu and (101955) Bennu observed by Hayabusa2 and Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) share many global properties, but high-spatial-resolution spectral observations by the telescopic Optical Navigation Camera (ONC-T) and MapCam detected subtle but significant
    Yumoto, K. et al.

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  • Two-dimensional Eclipse Mapping of the Hot-Jupiter WASP-43b with JWST MIRI/LRS
    We present eclipse maps of the two-dimensional thermal emission from the dayside of the hot-Jupiter WASP-43b, derived from an observation of a phase curve with the JWST MIRI/LRS instrument. The observed eclipse shapes deviate significantly from those expected for a planet emitting uniformly over its surface. We fit a map to this deviation
    Hammond, Mark et al.

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  • AGN feedback in the Local Universe: Multiphase outflow of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5506
    We present new optical GTC/MEGARA seeing-limited (0.9″) integral-field observations of NGC 5506, together with ALMA observations of the CO(3 − 2) transition at a 0.2″ (∼25 pc) resolution. NGC 5506 is a luminous (bolometric luminosity of ∼10 44 erg s −1) nearby (26 Mpc) Seyfert galaxy, part of the Galaxy Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS)
    Esposito, Federico et al.

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  • Dark Energy Survey Deep Field photometric redshift performance and training incompleteness assessment
    Context. The determination of accurate photometric redshifts (photo-zs) in large imaging galaxy surveys is key for cosmological studies. One of the most common approaches is machine learning techniques. These methods require a spectroscopic or reference sample to train the algorithms. Attention has to be paid to the quality and properties of these
    Toribio San Cipriano, L. et al.

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