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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • A New Technique for Performing Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy of Objects of Large Dynamic Range: The Binary System HD 167605 A+B
    We present a new technique for performing two-dimensional (integral-field) spectroscopy of objects with a large range in intensity. It is based on the capability of optical fibers to discretize the intensity distribution at the telescope focal plane. This allows not only reformatting but also the equalization of fiber output intensities, matching
    Arribas, S. et al.

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  • A peculiar galaxy appears at redshift 11: properties of a moderate-redshift interloper
    In 2011 Laporte et al. reported a very high redshift galaxy candidate: a lensed J-band dropout (A2667-J1). J1 has a photometric redshift of z= 9.6-12, the probability density function for which permits no low- or intermediate-z solution. We here report new spectroscopic observations of this galaxy with Very Large Telescope/X-Shooter, which show
    Le Borgne, Jean-François et al.

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  • A Period Distribution for M31 X-ray Transients from Chandra and HST
    All Galactic black hole binaries with low mass donor stars are transient X-ray sources; we expect most of the X-ray transients observed in external galaxies to be black hole binaries also. Obtaining period estimates for extra-galactic transients is challenging, but the resulting period distribution is an important tool for modeling the evolution
    Barnard, Robin et al.

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  • A planet in a polar orbit of 1.4 solar-mass star
    Although more than a thousand transiting extrasolar planets have been discovered, only very few of them orbit stars that are more massive than the Sun. The discovery of such planets is interesting, because they have formed in disks that are more massive but had a shorter life time than those of solar-like stars. Studies of planets more massive than
    Guenther, E. W. et al.

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  • A Planetary Microlensing Event with an Unusually Red Source Star: MOA-2011-BLG-291
    We present the analysis of the planetary microlensing event MOA-2011-BLG-291, which has a mass ratio of q = (3.8 ± 0.7) × 10‑4 and a source star that is redder (or brighter) than the bulge main sequence. This event is located at a low Galactic latitude in the survey area that is currently planned for NASA’s Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope
    Bennett, D. P. et al.

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  • A portrait of the Centaur 10199 Chariklo
    10199 Chariklo is the largest Centaur so far known. To investigate its surface composition and possible surface variations, spectroscopic observations have been carried out at the largest available telescopes. We obtained near-infrared spectra at ESO-VLT (Cerro Paranal, Chile) and TNG (La Palma, Spain) on April 2001 and March 2002, respectively
    Dotto, E. et al.

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