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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • A spectral diagnostic for density-bounded HII regions
    The existence of density-bounded HII regions in spiral galaxies is supported by means of a spectral indicator based on the intensity of the [OI]λ6300 forbidden line. A grid of photoionization models providing spectral information on density-bounded nebulae is presented in order to test the validity of our indicator. The indicator is applicable to
    Iglesias-Páramo, J. et al.

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  • A spectroscopic atlas of post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae selected from the IRAS point source catalogue
    Aims.We study the optical spectral properties of a sample of stars showing far infrared colours similar to those of well-known planetary nebulae. The large majority of them were unidentified sources or poorly known in the literature at the time when this spectroscopic survey started, some 15 years ago. Methods: .We present low-resolution optical
    Suárez, O. et al.

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  • A spectroscopic study of the blue stragglers in M67
    Based on spectrophotometric observations from the Guillermo Haro Observatory (Cananea, Mexico), a study of the spectral properties of the complete sample of 24 blue straggler stars (BSs) in the old Galactic open cluster M67 (NGC 2682) is presented. All spectra, calibrated using spectral standards, were recalibrated by means of photometric
    Liu, G. Q. et al.

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  • A statistical study of the decay phase of sunspot groups from 1874 to 1939
    A statistical study of the decay of sunspots and sunspot groups is carried out using data contained in the Greenwich Photoheliographic Results. The period studied spans more than six decades, namely from 1874 to 1939. The adequacy of exponential, quadratic and linear decay laws to the area decay data is considered. The dependence, or otherwise, of
    Moreno-Insertis, F. et al.

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  • A study of binary constraints for seismology of δ Scuti stars
    Seismology of single δ Scuti stars has mainly been inhibited by failing to detect many of the theoretically predicted pulsation modes, resulting in difficulties with mode identification. Theoretical and observational advances have, however, helped to overcome this problem, but the following questions then remain: do we know enough about the star to
    Creevey, Orlagh L.

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  • A study of catalogued nearby galaxy clusters in the SDSS-DR4. II. Cluster substructure
    Context. According to the current cosmological paradigm, large scale structures form hierarchically in the Universe. Clusters of galaxies grow through a continuous accretion of mass, and the presence of cluster substructures can be interpreted as signature of this process. Nevertheless, the rate and manner of mass accretion events are still matters
    Aguerri, J. A. L. et al.

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