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  • IR images of N159 in the LMC.
    The authors obtained near infrared images in J, H, and K filters of the H II region N159 in the LMC with the IR Imager on the 1.5 m telescope of CTIO. Some 50 sources are detected in an area of roughly 10 arc min squared. The region seems to be a site of active star formation associated to a large molecular complex and possibly coincides with one
    Rubio, M. et al.

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  • IR light curves of four new low-mass eclipsing binaries
    In the last decade a significant amount of observational effort has been made to determine the physical parameters of low mass stars (M 1 Msol). The most recent observations appear to show a discrepancy between the mass-radius relation predicted by the models and that obtained from the observational data. This discrepancy appear to be explained by
    Iglesias Marzoa, R. et al.

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  • ISO-SWS Observations on Proto-Planetary System Candidates
    We present a preliminary analysis of ISO-SWS spectra of a sample of Vega-type and pre-main sequence stars, which were observed from the ground in a project devoted to the study of formation and evolution of planetary systems, carried out during the 1998 International Time of the Canary Islands Observatories. ISO-SWS covers many interesting features
    Palacios, J. et al.

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  • ISOCAM observations in the Lockman Hole. I. The 14.3 μm shallow survey: Data reduction, catalogue, and optical identifications
    We present the image and catalogue of the 14.3 μ shallow survey of 0.55 square degrees in the region of the Lockman Hole (10^h52^m03^s +57°21'46'', J2000) with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). The data have been analyzed with the recent algorithm by Lari et al. (cite{Lari01}, MNRAS, 325, 1173) conceived to exploit ISO data in an optimal way
    Fadda, D. et al.

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  • ISOPHOT - capabilities and performance.
    ISOPHOT covers the largest wavelength range on ISO from 2.5 to 240μm. Its scientific capabilities include multi-filter and multi-aperture photometry, polarimetry, imaging and spectrophotometry. All modes can optionally include a focal plane chopper. The backbone of the photometric calibration are internal standard sources checked against celestial
    Lemke, D. et al.

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  • JEM-EUSO observational technique and exposure
    Designed as the first mission to explore the ultra-high energy universe from space, JEM-EUSO observes the Earth's atmosphere at night to record the ultraviolet tracks generated by the extensive air showers. We present the expected geometrical aperture and annual exposure in the nadir and tilt modes for ultra-high energy cosmic rays observation as a
    Adams, J. H. et al.

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