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  • Landscapes, Skyscapes, Archaeoastronomy (Book revew)
    Review of the book: Landscapes, Skyscapes, Archaeoastronomy Skyscapes: The Role and Importance of the Sky in Archaeology. Edited by Fabio Silva and Nicholas Campion (Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2015). Pp. xvi + 148. $80. ISBN 9781782978404.
    Belmonte, J. A.

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  • Large-scale environments of z < 0.4 active galaxies
    Context. Properties of galaxies depend on their large-scale environment. As the influence of active galactic nuclei (AGN) in galaxy evolution is becoming more evident, their large-scale environments may help us understand the evolutionary processes leading to activity. The effect of activity can be seen particularly by showing whether different
    Lietzen, H. et al.

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  • Learning about stars from their colors
    Aims: We pose the question of how much information on the atmospheric parameters of late-type stars can be retrieved purely from color information using standard photometric systems. Methods: We carried out numerical experiments using stellar fluxes from model atmospheres, injecting random noise before analyzing them. We examined the presence of
    Allende Prieto, C.

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  • Li abundances in late-type companions to neutron stars and black hole candidates
    Following our recent report of a strong Li lambda 6708 resonance line in the secondary of the black hole candidate V404 Cyg, we present here its detection in the quiescent spectrum of the neutron star binary Cen X-4. We obtain, via a spectral synthesis Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (LTE) analysis, a surface lithium abundance in the K-type
    Martin, Eduardo L. et al.

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  • Light curves of CoRoT-2 in z-band, 4.5um and 8um (Gillon+, 2010)
    Photometric time series obtained for CoRoT-2 with the VLT/FORS2 camera in z band during a transit of the planet CoRoT-2b and with the SST/IRAC camera at 4.5 and 8um during an occultation of the same planet. (3 data files).
    Gillon, M. et al.

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