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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The most distant, luminous, dusty star-forming galaxies: redshifts from NOEMA and ALMA spectral scans
    We present 1.3- and/or 3-mm continuum images and 3-mm spectral scans, obtained using Northern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) and Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), of 21 distant, dusty, star-forming galaxies. Our sample is a subset of the galaxies selected by Ivison et al. on the basis of their extremely red far-infrared (far-IR) colours and
    Fudamoto, Y. et al.

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  • The Most Metal-Poor Candidates in SDSS-I DR-5
    There are some 194,000 R = 2000 stellar spectra reported in the final public release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-I), known as DR-5. Setting aside the stars observed during the course of early tests for the Sloan Extension for Galactic Understanding and Exploration (SEGUE), which will be considered in the future, this leaves a total of
    Beers, Timothy C. et al.

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  • The multi-component field topology of sunspot penumbrae. A diagnostic tool for spectropolarimetric measurements
    Context: .Sunspot penumbrae harbor highly structured magnetic fields and flows. The moving flux tube model offers an explanation for several observed phenomena, e.g. the Evershed effect and bright penumbral grains. Aims: .A wealth of information can be extracted from spectropolarimetric observations. In order to deduce the structure of the magnetic
    Müller, D. A. N. et al.

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  • The Nature and Nurture of Bars and Disks
    The effects that interactions produce on galaxy disks and how they modify the subsequent formation of bars need to be distinguished to fully understand the relationship between bars and environment. To this aim we derive the bar fraction in three different environments ranging from the field to Virgo and Coma Clusters, covering an unprecedentedly
    Méndez-Abreu, J. et al.

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  • The nature of arms in spiral galaxies. III. Azimuthal profiles
    In this paper we analyse the structure of a small sample of galaxies using a set of CCD images in standard photometric bands presented in a previous paper (del Rio & Cepa 1998a, hereafter cite{p2}). The galaxies are NGC 157, 753, 895, 4321, 6764, 6814, 6951, 7479 and 7723, and the selected bands were B and I. Seven galaxies are grand design, i.e
    del Rio, M. S. et al.

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  • The Nature, Purpose and Future of Conference Proceedings
    Published conference proceedings have been called both a great advancement and a despicable curse for astronomy. In reality, they simply fill a niche that any scientific society must have filled to remain healthy. Two obvious items they address are 1) the need for timely dissemination of research and 2) the need to provide a "snapshot" of the
    Moody, J. W. et al.

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