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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The luminosity of cluster galaxies in the Cluster-EAGLE simulations
    We computed the luminosity of simulated galaxies of the C-EAGLE project, a suite of 30 high-resolution zoom-in simulations of galaxy clusters based on the EAGLE simulation. The AB magnitudes are derived for different spectral bands, from ultraviolet to infrared, using the simple stellar population modelling based on the E-MILES stellar spectra
    Negri, Andrea et al.

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  • The EURONEAR Lightcurve Survey of Near Earth Asteroids 2017-2020
    This is the fourth data paper publishing lightcurve survey work of 52 Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) using 10 telescopes available to the EURONEAR network between 2017 and 2020. Forty six targets were not observed before our runs (88% of the sample) but some of these were targeted during the same oppositions mainly by Brian Warner. We propose new
    Vaduvescu, O. et al.

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  • Predicted future fate of COSMOS galaxy protoclusters over 11 Gyr with constrained simulations
    Cosmological simulations are crucial tools in studying the Universe, but they typically do not directly match real observed structures. Constrained cosmological simulations, on the other hand, are designed to match the observed distribution of galaxies. Here we present constrained simulations based on spectroscopic surveys at a redshift of z ≈ 2.3
    Ata, Metin et al.

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  • BASS. XXIX. The Near-infrared View of the Broad-line Region (BLR): The Effects of Obscuration in BLR Characterization
    Virial black hole (BH) mass (M BH) determination directly involves knowing the broad-line region (BLR) clouds' velocity distribution, their distance from the central supermassive BH (R BLR), and the virial factor (f). Understanding whether biases arise in M BH estimation with increasing obscuration is possible only by studying a large (N > 100)
    Ricci, Federica et al.

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  • BASS. XXV. DR2 Broad-line-based Black Hole Mass Estimates and Biases from Obscuration
    We present measurements of broad emission lines and virial estimates of supermassive black hole masses (M BH) for a large sample of ultrahard X-ray-selected active galactic nuclei (AGNs) as part of the second data release of the BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS/DR2). Our catalog includes M BH estimates for a total of 689 AGNs, determined from the
    Mejía-Restrepo, Julian E. et al.

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  • Doppler-velocity Drifts Detected in a Solar Prominence
    We analyzed multiline observations of a quiescent prominence from the slit spectrograph located at the Ondřejov Observatory. Dopplergrams and integrated intensity maps of the whole prominence were obtained from observations in six spectral lines: Ca II H, Hϵ, Hβ, He I D3, Hα, and Ca II IR. By combining integrated intensity maps with non-LTE
    Zapiór, Maciej et al.

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