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  • Formation of lithium lines in very cool dwarfs.
    We present LTE and NLTE results on the formation of LiI lines (λ6103, λ6708, and λ8126) in the atmospheres of solar metallicity dwarfs with effective temperatures in the range 5500K to 2000K. NLTE effects are governed by overionization of Li and by the interlocking effects of energy levels. For stars with T_eff_>=4000K, we confirm previous findings
    Pavlenko, Y. V. et al.

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  • Dynamical evidence for a black hole in the X-ray transient QZ VUL (=GS 2000+25)
    We report the first spectroscopic detection of the secondary star in the X-ray transient QZ Vul (=GS 2000+25). Cross-correlation of individual spectra against K-type templates yields clear velocity modulations with the 8.3-h orbital period. From the amplitude of the radial velocity curve (520+/-16 km s^-1) we derive a mass function f(M)=5.02+/-0.46
    Casares, J. et al.

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  • A study of emission lines variability of the active galaxy PKS 0521-365.
    Optical spectrophotometry of the active galaxy PKS 0521-365 over a period of 7 years is reported, together with the analysis of IUE archival spectra. The Hα emission line intensity varied by more than a factor of 2 during the monitoring. Similar amplitude variations are observed in the optical and UV continuum, which however are not simply
    Scarpa, R. et al.

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  • A search for lithium in cataclysmic binaries.
    The discovery of Li in the late type secondary of the black hole binary V404 Cyg has motivated considerable interest in the presence of this light element in stars orbiting compact objects in general. We report here on a search for Li in cataclysmic binaries (CVs), where a low mass star transfers mass onto a white dwarf. For this purpose, we have
    Martin, E. L. et al.

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  • A pulse-timing model for pulsars in massive eclipsing binaries. Delays caused by high ratios between the pulsar period and orbital length.
    We study the delay induced by gravitational light bending in the arrival times of signals emitted by an anisotropic source in rotation (pulsar). The shift of the direction of the allowed pulsar beam (a vector defined by the null geodesic connecting the pulsar to the observer) with orbital phase induces a delay arising from the movement of the
    Goicoechea, L. J. et al.

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