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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Gaia22dkvLb: A Microlensing Planet Potentially Accessible to Radial-velocity Characterization
    We report discovering an exoplanet from following up a microlensing event alerted by Gaia. The event Gaia22dkv is toward a disk source rather than the traditional bulge microlensing fields. Our primary analysis yields a Jovian planet with at a projected orbital separation au, and the host is a ∼1.1 M ⊙ turnoff star at ∼1.3 kpc. At , the host is far
    Wu, Zexuan et al.

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  • From eruption to post-flare rain: A 2.5D MHD model
    Context. Erupting magnetic flux ropes play an important role in producing solar flares, whereas fine-scale condensed coronal rain is often found in post-flare loops. However, the formation of the MFRs in the pre-flare stage and how this leads to coronal rain in a post-eruption magnetic loop is not fully understood. Aims: We explore the formation
    Sen, Samrat et al.

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  • Free space experimental characterization of a multilayer Fabry-Pérot resonator for DALI
    The axion is a long-postulated boson that can simultaneously solve two crucial problems of Modern Physics: the unexpected charge and parity symmetry observed in the strong nuclear force and the enigma of dark matter. The Dark-photons and Axion- Like particles Interferometer (DALI) is a proposal for a new generation axion detector designed to probe
    Hernández-Cabrera, Juan F. et al.

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  • First on-sky tests of LQG control for a 10m-class telescope: prelude on the Gran Telescopio Canarias adaptive optics system
    The Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) is being equipped with an Adaptive Optics (AO) system, developed by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). The Institut d'Optique Graduate School-Laboratoire Charles Fabry (IOGS-LCF), through a collaboration with the IAC, integrated some high performance control solutions. In this proceeding, we present
    Marquis, Lucas et al.

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  • First light of the upgraded Gregor Infrared Spectrograph
    For more than ten years, the Gregor Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS) has been the infrared spectropolarimeter on the Gregor telescope since its inauguration in 2012. The instrument mainly performs polarimetric observations of the wavelength regions at 1083 and 1565nm, which have high scientific potential. There, observers can find spectral lines that
    Quintero Noda, C. et al.

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  • Exploring convolutional neural networks for classification and segmentation of evolving granular structures in the solar surface
    Solar granulation is the visible signature of convective cells emerging from the upper convective zone towards the solar surface. High-resolution images have revealed the complexity of the granulation, evidencing special phenomena such as exploding granules or granular lanes, which are known to be directly related to the emergence of small-scale
    Díaz Castillo, Saida Milena et al.

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