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  • A search for evidence of irradiation in Centaurus X-4 during quiescence
    Aims.We present a study of the neutron star X-Ray Transient Cen X-4. Our aim is to look for any evidence of irradiation of the companion with a detailed analysis of its radial velocity curve, relative contribution of the donor star and Doppler tomography of the main emission lines. Methods: .To improve our study all our data are compared with a set
    D'Avanzo, P. et al.

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  • A Search for Extreme Ultracool Objects in UKIDSS+VISTA
    Brown dwarfs with thick water cloud atmospheres, ancient population III brown dwarfs, and nearby free-floating planetary mass objects are targets in our new discovery space. We have developed a candidate selection process that identifies near infrared sources without optical counterparts whose infrared/optical fluxes are not consistent with stars
    Zhang, Z. H. et al.

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  • A Search for Giant Planets Around Very Young Nearby Late-type Dwarfs
    Very young late-type dwarfs at distances closer than 30 pc are excellent sites to provide a direct detection of extrasolar planets. The combination of youth and proximity makes feasible the detection of giant planets of 1-5 Jovian masses orbiting at several astronomical units from the star. According to current models, giant planets with masses 1
    Rebolo, Rafael

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  • A Search for Kinematic Evidence of Tidal Tails in Globular Clusters
    Recent star count surveys of areas around globular star clusters have shown strong evidence of tidal tails stretching out many degrees beyond the cluster tidal radius. These tails are believed to be cluster stars which have escaped due to tidal shocking after passages through the disk of the Galaxy. Although the statistical star counts indicate and
    Lauchner, A. et al.

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  • A Search for New Planetary Nebulae Located at Large Galactocentric Distances
    We introduce the new Galactic Plane Hα survey IPHAS, present our PNe selection method, and discuss two examples of very distant new PNe.
    Mampaso, A. et al.

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  • A search for optical bursts from the repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102
    We present a search for optical bursts from the repeating fast radio burst FRB 121102 using simultaneous observations with the high-speed optical camera ULTRASPEC on the 2.4-m Thai National Telescope and radio observations with the 100-m Effelsberg Radio Telescope. A total of 13 radio bursts were detected, but we found no evidence for corresponding
    Hardy, L. K. et al.

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