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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Circumnuclear regions in barred spiral galaxies - II. Relations to host galaxies
    We present optical broad- and narrow-band imaging of a sample of a dozen barred galaxies. These images are analysed in conjunction with our previously published near-infrared imaging of their central regions and with literature values for, e.g. bar strengths and the total star formation activity of the galaxies. We present B, I and Hα images, and
    Knapen, J. H. et al.

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  • Circumnuclear Star-Forming Regions in Barred Galaxies
    We present high-resolution Hα velocity fields and rotation curves of the circumnuclear star-forming regions of five barred galaxies. Two of the five objects show substantially smaller initial rises than the three others; these two objects also have spiral structure inside the circumnuclear star-forming ring.
    Knapen, Johan H. et al.

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  • Clear Evidence for the Presence of Second-generation Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in Metal-poor Galactic Globular Clusters
    Galactic globular clusters (GCs) are known to host multiple stellar populations: a first generation (FG) with a chemical pattern typical of halo field stars and a second generation (SG) enriched in Na and Al and depleted in O and Mg. Both stellar generations are found at different evolutionary stages (e.g., the main-sequence turnoff, the subgiant
    García-Hernández, D. A. et al.

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  • Clusters in point distributions
    We present a procedure for obtaining the mean density of clusters and their associated structures in a very general type of distribution. We first consider the one-dimensional case, and then use it to develop the procedure according to the d-dimensional case. These procedures require the probability that a randomly placed body should contain no
    Betancort-Rijo, J. E.

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  • CO J=1->0 mapping of the cometary nebula 1548c27.
    We have acquired CO J=1->0 mapping of a region 2x2arcmin^2^ about the cometary nebula and jet outflow source 1548c27. We find little evidence for interaction between the jet and molecular cloud, although it is found that the reflection nebula is embedded within a neutral condensation of size =~10^2^arcsec. Kinematic variations across the source
    Phillips, J. P. et al.

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