SPace IR telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics

SPICA es un telescopio espacial diseñado para ser extremadamente sensible a la radiación infrarroja. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con la luz visible, la radiación infrarroja no es absorbida por el polvo que permea todo el Universo y, por ello, las observaciones en el infrarrojo permiten revelar el universo oculto a la radiación visible, posibilitando la observación de las zonas más internas de las galaxias, del interior de las nubes de gas en las que se forman estrellas y de los sistemas planetarios en proceso de formación.
A joint European-Japanese project is proposed to implement SPICA, an infrared space observatory with a large, cryogenically cooled telescope designed to achieve for the first time truly background limited performance, for launch and operations at the end of the next decade. With a 2.5-meter primary mirror actively cooled to below 8K, combined with a new generation of ultra-sensitive detectors, SPICA will offer the community a unique astronomical facility, able to cover the spectral range from 12 to 230µm to unprecedented depths of a few 10-20 W/m2 for spectroscopy (5σ) in 1 hour. This represents a gain in sensitivity of more than two orders of magnitude over both Spitzer and Herschel, a gigantic leap in capabilities for exploring the Universe. Given its enormous leap in sensitivity and spectroscopic capabilities, SPICA commands an enormous discovery space which will enable scientists to react quickly to new discoveries with ALMA, JWST and ELT’s by exploring a unique spectral range.
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