Stellar Observations Network Group

Ø 100.00 cm
Responsible scientist
Pere Lluís
Pallé Manzano
Owner institution
Operation year

    The 1.0m alt-az mounted Cassegrain telescope is manufactured by ASTELCO Systems GmbH. It can slew between objects with a speed of up to 20 º/s and has a pointing accuracy of less than 3'' RMS. The primary mirror is relatively thin, only 5 cm, and is actively controlled based on Shack-Hartmann measurements.

    The third mirror can rotate 180º which allows two Nasmyth foci.

    Coude Unit:

    Iodine Cell

    Motor: 3  -  Position: 3

    Name: Iodine Cell


    Temp. Set: 65°C

    Temp. Act: 65.3°C

    Filter Wheel

    Motor: 1  -  Position: 4

    Name: Free

    Calibration Mirror

    Motor: 4  -  Position: 4

    Name: The Sun Fiber


    Motor: 6  -  Position: 8

    Name: 25 μM

    Mirror Slide

    Motor: 2  -  Position: 3

    Name: Beamsplitter Cube

    Spectrograph Focus

    Motor: 5
    Value: 190306

    Thorium-Argon Lamp

    Status: Off

    Halogen Lamp

    Status: Off



    Nasmyth Unit:


    Angle: 0.0000000

    Orientation: 0.0000000

    Tracking: Off


    Angle 1: 107.5541356

    Angle 2: 73.6324026

    Tracking: Off

    Filter Wheel

    Red Position: 4

    Red Name: Bessel I Filter

    Visible Position: 4

    Visible Name: Bessel V Filter

    Beam Selector

    Position: 1

    Name: Red and Visible


    SONG stands for Stellar Observations Network Group. Launched in 2006 by astronomers at Aarhus University and the University of Copenhagen, SONG is a Danish-led project dedicated to the design and construction of a global network of small telescopes for the study of stars and planetary systems around stars. The idea was to develop an inexpensive, ultra-modern robotic telescope that would provide maximum scientific impact for the cost and be scientifically unique even before the completion of the entire planned globe-spanning network of eight telescopes.

    A prototype of the first telescope, financed by Danish sources, has now been erected and tested at the Teide Observatory on Mount Izaña in Tenerife. At just 1 meter in diameter, the telescope is much smaller than many modern telescope – it is the instrumentation and the possibilities offered by the eventual network that sets SONG apart. The technical equipment, installed in an adjacent shipping container, can all be controlled remotely via an ordinary Internet connection. The facility cost DKK 30 million, significantly less than many of the other new facilities around the world.

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