Almost all cosmologists accept nowadays that the redshift of the galaxies is due to the expansion of the Universe (cosmological redshift), plus some Doppler...
The (very) small-scale structure of dark matter halos
In our now-standard picture for the growth of structure, dark matter halos are the basic unit of nonlinear structure in the present Universe. I will report...
In this talk, we shall review the impact of the neutrino properties on the different cosmological observables. We shall also present the latest cosmological...
DESI is a massively multiplexed fiber-fed spectrograph that will make the nextmajor advance in dark energy in the timeframe 2018-2022. On the Mayalltelescope...
What's the dark matter made of? Do we have any idea of the kind of particle that should constitute ~85% of the matter content of the Universe? In this talk, I...
The discovery of the CMB B-mode polarization, a smoking-gun of Universe's inflation
On March 17 the team responsible for the BICEP2 experiment, a CMB telescope located in the South Pole, announced the discovery of the primordial B-mode signal...
The ESO VISTA telescope and the VISTA Hemisphere Survey
Survey operations with the VISTA telescope with it wide field near IR camera started in Feb 2010, following a science verification phase that started in Oct...