Mark I is a part of the origin of the IAC, operating in the El Teide Observatory since 1975, in three different locations until reaching the Solar Pyramid "van...
The Sun presents us with many unsolved mysteries. In this talk I discuss three of them that have intrigued me for the last 50 years. Solar flares are the most...
On the probable existence of an abrupt magnetization in the upper chromosphere of the quiet Sun
We report on a detailed radiative transfer modeling of the observed scattering polarization in the H-alpha line, which allows us to infer quantitative...
Quiet Sun magnetism and Alfven waves as observed with Hinode
The magnetic landscape of the polar region (Tsuneta et al, 2008) is characterized by vertical kilogauss patches with super-equipartition field strength, a...
For a long time radiative MHD simulations of entire sunspots from first principles were out of reach due to insufficient computing resources. Over the past 4...
Response of the solar atmosphere to the photospheric plasma motion
The dynamics of the solar atmosphere is largely controlled by its magnetic coupling to the photosphere of the Sun. Since the solar magnetic field is complex...
SMACK 20: Inversion codes to solve the Radiative Transfer Equation in Solar Physics
We divide this talk into two parts. In the first part, we will introduce the numerical codes we use, mainly in solar physics, to infer information about the...
The solar abundance of chemical elements play an important role in addressing such important issues as the formation, structure, and evolution of the Sun and...
Solar-terrestrial relations – combined remote sensing and in-situ data
The Sun is an active star that influences the Earth as well as the entire solar system. Most dynamic phenomena on the Sun are observed as coronal mass ejections...